Spirituality is about listening…

"Listening is not just a skill children need to learn; it is equally valuable for the church as well," writes the Rev. Cara Scriven, superintendent for the Tacoma District. She expands upon this insight and the importance of good listening to our spiritual well-being, while offering encouragement to those in her district to attend the Table Talks events planned across the Greater Northwest Area this spring.

5 Columns of Mission Churches!

5 Columns of Mission By Joan Hackett In 2015, 29 of our local churches in the PNW Conference achieved all 5 Columns of Mission! Every church...

Laurie Sardinia to Morton Community UMC

Vancouver District Superintendent, Rev. David Nieda, has announced his intention to assign Laurie Sardinia to Morton Community United Methodist Church in Morton, Washington, effective July...

Bremerton UMC to receive and transport relief kit materials to UMCOR Depot West

Submitted by Michelle Abad Bremerton United Methodist Church’s UMCOR Relief Kit Storeroom is ready for business! The church will collect items throughout the year for school...