Curtis’ Time-Out Corner: “Create & Care for Your Relationships”

Curtis' Time-Out Corner: Create & Care for Your Relationships By Curtis Brown By our Discipline and organization, Annual Conference is the basic organization structure of our denomination....

Journeys: Ways we are answering Jesus’ call

Journeys: Ways we are answering Jesus' Call By Joan Holms Conference Lay Leader Joan Holms shares her experiences visiting various churches in the PNW who are both...

Transitioning towards hope and a future

Transitioning towards hope and a future | By Joan Holms I find myself thinking about transitions a lot these days. There is a hint of autumn...

Journeys: “…together we can do what we cannot do alone.”

Amory Peck and Joan Holms are pictured at the 2012 Pacific Northwest Annual Conference. Journeys | By Joan Holms I find that I have many more...

Jim Winkler: “Our Life as Laity”

Jim Winkler delivered the following address to the Laity Session of the 2012 Pacific Northwest Annual Conference on June 21 in Pasco, Washington. I am...

Laity Session: GC2012 reports, Holms elected conference lay leader

By Jonathan Assink with Jesse N. Love WELCOME TO LAITY SESSION Amory Peck opened the meeting introducing the PNW Conference’s Cabinet: the Revs. David Nieda, Mary...

Laity Gathering: Addressing the Church’s #FAILure to Communicate

By Jesse N. Love with Jonathan Assink Outgoing Conference Lay Leader Amory Peck welcomed laypersons to the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference during the pre-conference Laity...

Church: A demonstration community?

Overhead in General Conference 2012 plenary: Delegates consider legislation at the 2012 United Methodist General Conference in Tampa, Fla. A UMNS photo by Mike DuBose, digitally...