Auburn First UMC to Host “Supporting the Transgender” Workshop in September


The Reconciling Ministries team at Auburn First UMC is presenting a mini-workshop entitled Supporting the Transgender – A Medical and Spiritual Journey to be held on Saturday, September 14 from 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM at the Auburn First United Methodist Church, 100 N St SE, Auburn WA 98002. The cost is $10, which includes lunch and a donation to NEXUS Youth & Families, a ministry aiding LGBT children and teens. Dr. Jennifer A. Burnett* MD, FAAFP, and retired Transgender Medicine Specialist, will be leading the discussion.

The workshop is designed to promote a better understanding of the difficulties that the Transgender face every day and how Christians, both individually and as a local church body, can help meet the social and spiritual needs of this frequently-ostracized group. A PowerPoint presentation, discussions, and a short video will highlight the unique problems of those whose gender presentation does not conform to society’s expectations.

This topic will be approached first from a medical standpoint, presenting the scientific research pertaining to the development of sex and gender that occurs even before birth! It will culminate in a discussion of the spiritual aspects of being Transgender — how being born with a gender identity which is discordant to one’s birth sex impacts their relationship with God, their families, and how they fit in with Christ’s Body, the Church.

We hope that our efforts will generate a more supportive environment for all minority populations (e.g. the whole gamut of LGBTQIA+, immigrants, the poor and homeless, the racially-disenfranchised and those in our communities suffering from mental illness). We encourage all who are interested in learning more about this important topic to attend. 

To register, please send an email to In the email include the number of people and any dietary restrictions (e.g. 3 people attending; 1 gluten intolerant and 1 vegetarian). The registration fee will be collected at the door.

* Jennifer A. Burnett, MS, MD, FAAFP: “Dr. Jen” is a retired Transgender Medicine Specialist, Associate Professor of Family & Community Medicine, Univ. of California – San Francisco, and former member of the Medical Advisory Board of the UCSF Center of Excellence for Transgender Health.  Dr. Burnett has lectured on various aspects of the transgender experience its diagnosis and treatment at conferences across the U.S. and at three international symposia.