5 Columns of Mission Churches!
By Joan Hackett
Congratulations to our PNW Churches!
These 19 Churches were presented with certificates by the Rev. Paul Jeffrey at the 5th Annual Mission Luncheon on Friday June, 14 at Annual Conference. Over 100 people were in attendance.
Puget Sound
Garden St.
(also 2009, 2010, 2011)
Port Angeles
(also 2010, 2011)
Haller Lake
(also 2010, 2011)
(also 2010, 2011)
(also 2009, 2010, 2011)
Seven Rivers
Pasco: Riverview
(also 2010, 2011)
(also 2011)
Yakima: Wesley
(also 2009, 2010, 2011)
Vancouver: First
(also 2009, 2010, 2011)
Vancouver Heights
(also 2009, 2010, 2011)
(also 2009, 2010, 2011)
Salmon Creek
5 Columns of Mission
Every church is challenged to support mission in these five ways each year:
- Develop a Covenant Relationship with a Missionary.
- Participate in One Great Hour of Sharing (March 10, 2013- but money can be sent anytime).
- Give to UMCOR – The United Methodist Committee on Relief.
- Support The Advance for Christ and His Church (Contribute to one of 739 Advance projects listed in “2013-2016 Giving Opportunities Through the Advance” booklet sent to every church early this year).
- Attend or send a representative to Mission u (formally The Cooperative School of Christian Mission).
Having a Covenant Relationship with a missionary is one of the 5 Columns of Mission. Missionaries the Revs. Lyda Pierce and Paul Jeffrey along with US-2 Tara Miller (currently serving at Mary’s Place) were introduced at the lunch. Jeffrey showed some photos of his recent travels and spoke about them. The cost to support is $5 per member/per year or $2500 per church/per year.
Jeffrey will be itinerating this fall and all of his Covenant churches will receive a visit from him. There is still time to sign up – forms are available online or in the Funding Ministry and Mission Outreach booklet!
Send check to Conference Treasurer marked CR – Paul Jeffrey 09541Z
Since Annual Conference 2012, 13 missionaries have visited 149 churches.
Missionary Itinerations July 2012 – June 2013
- Katherine Parker: 44 visits from February to May
- Jeff & Ellen Hoover: 36 visits from August to September
- Rev. Lyda Pierce: 24 visits from April to May
- Dr. Guy Kasanka: 10 visits in September
- David and Lori Persons: 9 visits in January
- The Rev. Tori Hicks: 9 visits in July
- Gaston Ntambo: 8 visits in April
- Daria and Roman Hofer: 3 visits in April
- Tara Miller, US-2: 5 visits
- Rachel Berry, Mission Intern: 1
Thank you for hosting them!
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It seems that North Mason United Methodist Church in Belfair is once again left off the list. We have a covenant in place.
Belfair did have a Covenant Relationship but no one attended School of Mission in 2012 from Belfair.
Nor did Belfair give to an Advance project.
Belfair did give to One Great Hour of Sharing and UMCOR in 2012 so achieved 3 Columns in 2012.
Thanks for your support of mission.