One Matters Award: Rochester UMC focuses on kids, parents, and discipleship


One Matters Award: Rochester UMC focuses on kids, parents, and discipleship

By Jesse N. Love with Pastor Heather Sparkman and the Rev. David Nieda

Rochester, Wash. – The United Methodist Church in Rochester makes discipleship a priority through its various ministries that serve the deepest needs in the community.

This church features a shuttle service to transport children to worship; there is a hot breakfast EVERY Sunday where the whole congregation shares a meal; the congregation meets at Candlewood a low cost housing facility for those who are unable to attend church.

Learn more about these ministries in this video.

To learn more about the One Matters Award provided by Discipleship Ministries, visit

Copyright 2016 • The Pacific Northwest Conference of The United Methodist Church

Special thanks to Susanne Hawes, the Rev. Golden Neal, Don Smith, Katy Turkell, Kyle Turkell, Gene Weaver, and Liana White.

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