Refugees travel in a rubber boat across the Aegean Sea from Turkey to the Greek island of Lesbos on October 30, 2015. They were received on a beach near Molyvos by local and international volunteers, then proceeded on their way toward western Europe. The boat was provided by Turkish traffickers to whom the refugees paid huge sums to arrive in Greece. Yet the motor quit during the crossing and the refugees were forced to paddle for several hours.
By the Rev. Paul Jeffrey
The Rev. Paul Jeffrey, photojournalist and missionary shares a few images from around the world that show a glimpse of struggle and purpose as we enter a season of change.
Climate change is making life more difficult for the poor around the world, triggering and exacerbating armed conflicts and driving millions to leave their homes as “climate refugees,” without the legal protections traditionally accorded to political refugees. Humanitarian agencies, including faith-based organizations like UMCOR, struggle to meet these growing needs while also working to make climate justice a priority for their constituencies.

In Central America, warming temperatures have allowed for coffee rust to spread into mountain farms, ruining crops and bankrupting small farmers. When farming no longer supports those who live on the land, they flee for the cities or seek refuge in other countries, including the United States.
Long-term drought in the Fertile Crescent was a major factor in triggering the war in Syria, for example, which has caused millions to flee for safety, often crowding into small rafts to make the dangerous crossing of the Aegean Sea (see cover, top).

In Asia, the massive deforestation necessary for the expansion of palm oil plantations, accompanied by rising temperatures, has meant increased flooding across the region, including on the Indonesian island of Sumatra.
As science deniers assume new political power in these days, we in the churches must redouble our efforts both to meet the needs of victims of climate change and to heal the wonderful planet for which God appointed us stewards.
The Rev. Paul Jeffrey is a United Methodist missionary. Visit his blog at
“As science deniers assume new political power in these days” is a politically provocative statement that unfairly characterizes the nature of the climate change debate and has no place in a UM article. No one is denying science. Rather, scientifically trained people are questioning the models on which some make climate predictions and divine the causes that they attribute to the changes. Science is very unambiguous. Many PhD climatologists would also fit under Jeffery’s unfortunate phrase “science deniers.” Theories have to be generated, tested, and replicated. Climate change always happens. It drives evolution in that it requires species to adapt. Obviously, a populations of 7 billion people puts a strain on the earth’s delicate ecosystem. Still, do we really know as much about cause and effect as some think they do?
[…] L’église méthodiste unie, dans ses enseignements officiels, exhorte les membres à prendre soin de la création de Dieu et identifie le changement climatique comme une menace pour la création, en particulier aux personnes déjà aux prises avec la pauvreté. […]
[…] The United Methodist Church, in its official teachings, urges members to care for God’s creation and identifies climate change as a threat to that creation, especially to people already struggling with poverty. […]