MANILA, Philippines July 20, 2014/GBOD – United Methodist young people from around the world have urged leaders of the denomination to “seek solutions that promote our global unity” and not be divided by issues such as homosexuality.
The Global Young People’s Convocation & Legislative Assembly, attended by more than 300 youth, young adults, and observers, adopted the unity statement the night before ending its quadrennial gathering with a worship service Sunday, July 20, at Central United Methodist Church in Manila.
Here is the entire statement:
Statement of Unity from the United Methodist Global Young People’s Convocation and Legislative Assembly (GYPC-LA) held in Manila, Philippines.
“There has been increasing talk of schism of the United Methodist Church in recent months. Many say that the issue of homosexuality is so contentious that it will inevitably split our Church. We, as the young people of The United Methodist Church, would like to say that we do not desire a divided Church.
“The Church that we have taken our places in is called to a ministry that includes so much more than this one issue. There are genuine, passionate perspectives on all sides of the issue and though we disagree, we have committed ourselves to loving, faithful discussion on this subject. Part of the beauty of our Church is that there has always been room at the table for a wide range of theological diversity within our connectional church family. As Wesley said, ‘May we not be of one heart, though we are not of one opinion?’
“We urge everyone to seek solutions that promote our global unity as the United Methodist Church of Jesus Christ, rather than focus only on the issues that divide us, so that we may faithfully live out our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.”
By The Global Young People’s Convocation & Legislative Assembly Manila, Philippines
The gathering, hosted by the General Board of Discipleship (GBOD), was disrupted by Typhoon Rammasun as delegates and observers arrived at a meeting site in Tagaytay, Philippines on July 16. No one was injured, but the entire convocation was moved to a nearby location called Island Cove close to Manila.
GBOD’s mission is to support annual conference and local church leaders for their task of equipping world-changing disciples. An agency of The United Methodist Church, GBOD is located at 1908 Grand Ave. in Nashville, Tenn. For more information, visit www.gbod.org, the Press Center at www.gbod.org/about/press-center or call the Communications Office at (877) 899-2780, Ext. 1726.
Thank you for this article and update on what went on in the Philippines. Although I was not there I appreciate the work they did and would like to offer my two cents as a “young person” that divisions are not the worst thing that can happen to a church…….
My study and knowledge of church history has led me to the following conclusion. The definition of schism is division or disagreement based on differing opinions. Schisms while hard, are not all bad. Thanks to Schisms we can read the bible in English and BY OURSELVES (not without the mediating of a priest or leader). Thanks to schisms we have integrated churches (not ones just divided by race). Thanks to schisms we allow women into ministry and to speak from the pulpit. Thanks to schisms, we can remember where people drew the line and said enough is enough.
While not all schisms are positive, they are not all bad. In fact sometimes we need them in order to achieve unity in a future we cannot even imagine yet. Unity at all cost can be just as bad as divisiveness.