By Jim Truitt | Photos by Jesse N. Love
Our Goal
The long-term recovery plans for the Carlton Complex Fire recovery are taking shape. A construction manager, volunteer manager and communications director have been added to the staff effective March 1. Their first order of business is to put together a project plan for the summer. The goal is to build at least 10 houses before the weather turns cold and hampers construction.
Project Management Help Needed
The Long Term Recovery Organization (LTRO) would like to begin construction no later than May 1. However, there’s a lot of work to be done between now and then. The permit process is quite complicated due to the extreme damage caused by the fire. Multiple city, county and state agencies are involved. The construction manager could use some help with project planning and coordination. If you have project management experience and have some time to donate, he sure could use your help.
Funding is still a challenge. Approximately $580,000 is needed to build the 10 houses this summer. So far, only $270,000 has been pledged. Overall, 42 homes are on the build list for an estimated cost of over $4 million.
Volunteers will be needed from multiple partner organizations. Several faith-based organizations have volunteered for pieces of the total project. The next meeting to firm up the plans and partnerships is scheduled for April 23 in Pateros, Wash. More details of the need will be available after this meeting.
Now would be good time to look at your schedules and see if there is a time you could lend a hand or bring a team to the Okanogan County to help in the recovery process.
Jim Truitt serves as the PNW UMVIM Disaster Response Coordinator.

[…] The PNW UMC also has a blog page on the Carlton Complex Fire Recovery effort at: […]
[…] The PNW UMC also has a blog page on the Carlton Complex Fire Recovery effort at: […]