Faith leaders from around Washington State recently spoke with Governor Jay Inslee about targeting the state’s biggest CO2 emitters to reduce pollution. After their conversation, the leaders created a statement in support of enforcing the Clean Air Rule. This statement was endorsed by Bishop Grant Hagiya, Resident Bishop, and Rev. Jenny Phillips, Minister for Environmental Stewardship and Advocacy, as well as our partners at Earth Ministry and Faith Action Network. The statement is below. Learn more about the plan to target the state’s biggest polluters.
Interfaith Statement on the Washington Clean Air Rule
All faith traditions believe that care of the earth is a sacred trust. Our call to care for creation is deeply rooted in religious values of spirituality, stewardship, and justice. How we steward the earth’s resources is a moral issue. Climate change is a reality and the impacts are already being felt around the world and here in Washington. Drought, forest fires, and acidification of our oceans are wreaking havoc on our natural ecosystems and human communities. Pollution from the burning of fossil fuels affects our air, water, and health.
The undersigned religious leaders are united in calling for the reduction of carbon emissions as a means to reduce the warming of our earth’s atmosphere. Many of our faith communities actively supported the greenhouse gas emissions standards set into state law in 2008.
We support government action to have carbon emitters reduce the greenhouse gases that are contributing to climate pollution. Governor Inslee has recently directed the Washington State Department of Ecology to develop a process to start enforcing statewide carbon limits and demand accountability for carbon pollution under the state’s Clean Air Act. The goal is to gradually reduce the amount of carbon pollution produced in Washington over time.
As faith leaders, we are committed to ensuring that Washington has an effective, equitable climate policy that reduces carbon pollution; protects low-income communities and communities of color most impacted by pollution and climate change; and invests in clean, renewable energy and good jobs. Working together, we can make a difference.
Rev. Paul B. Benz
Elise DeGooyer
Faith Action Network
Bishop Rick Jaech
Southwestern Washington Synod
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Rabbi Seth Goldstein
Temple Beth Hatfiloh
Anise Ahmed, PhD, PE
Member, Islamic Center of Olympia
Muslim community delegate
Dr. Jasmit Singh
Khalsa Gurmat Center
Sikh community of Washington
Sister Sharon Park
Executive Director
Washington State Catholic Conference
LeeAnne Beres
Executive Director
Earth Ministry/Washington Interfaith Power & Light
James E. Waggoner, Jr., Bishop
The Episcopal Diocese of Spokane
Bishop Grant J. Hagiya
Greater Northwest Episcopal Area
United Methodist Church
Rev. Jenny Phillips
Minister for Environmental Stewardship and Advocacy
Pacific Northwest Conference, United Methodist Church
Rev. Mike Denton
Conference Minister
Pacific Northwest Conference of the UCC
Rev. Meighan Pritchard
Minister for Environmental Justice
United Church of Christ and Prospect UCC