As we enter the world as Easter People, God calls us to bring healing and life to the earth. You can begin by incorporating resources from Earth Day Sunday into your worship this coming Sunday and sharing information about upcoming events.
- Creation Justice Ministries Earth Day 2017: Environmental Justice with Indigenous Peoples. This resource provides an overview of the Doctrine of Discovery, which used Christian scripture to justify five centuries of theft of land, labor and dignity from Indigenous Peoples. Website includes worship helps and additional study material. Consider using for Earth Day Sunday on April 23, Native American Ministries Sunday on April 30, or the Sunday before Indigenous Peoples’ Day on October 8.
- Earth Ministry Worship Resources: Our partners at Earth Ministry have an incredible trove of worship resources for building your service and inspiring your sermons.
- Lanterns and Images from the General Conference Climate Vigil: PNW annual conference attendees were given the opportunity to take lanterns that were used at last year’s climate vigil. Find out if your pastor or lay attendees have lanterns that could be used to decorate. There are many vigil images on Flickr that could be used for worship.
- Blessed Earth Children’s Resources: Book recommendations, children’s curricula and other creation care resources for children.
Looking to integrate creation care into worship and education later in the year? Consider the Season of Creation, September 1-October 1, 2017. Seasons of the Spirit’s Season of Creation resource for this year was written by Rev. Jenny Phillips, and features poetry by Rev. Abigail Vizcarra Perez as well as photography by Rev. Paul Jeffrey.

- The People vs. Kinder-Morgan, April 20 (Seattle): The Lummi Nation is leading this community-building event to raise funds, hearing from Native speakers, building a community art project, and more! Sierra Club, Earth Minstry, 350 Seattle, and Stand Up to Oil are co-hosts.
- March for Science, April 22 (multiple locations): 15 marches are taking place across Washington State. Scroll down the list to find the march nearest you! Seattle faith-based marchers contact Jenny Phillips if you would like to connect.
- People’s Climate March, April 29 (multiple locations): 18 marches are taking place across Washington and North Idaho. Enter your zip code to find the march nearest you! [Seattle UPDATE] Seattle faith-based marchers, led by Earth Ministry, will gather at Union Station Square at 316 S Jackson St, Seattle, WA 98104 by 10:00am. Marchers will then head over to Occidental Park together and march to Westlake. Look for Jessica with the Earth Ministry/WAIPL banner and Judy LeBlanc of University Temple UMC with PNWUMC signs!
- People’s Climate Action Summit (Seattle), April 29: Join the People’s Climate Movement Saturday, April 29 for a day of workshops, skill-building, and art-making. Rev. Katie Ladd of The Well at Queen Anne UMC will participate in a panel on climate change in the afternoon.
- Before the Flood Screening (Leavenworth), May 6: A free screening of the climate change documentary, Before the Flood, will be shown at the Leavenworth First United Methodist Church at 6:30 PM. The film will be followed by a panel discussion about faith and climate change, with participation by Rev. Jenny Phillips.
- Climate Reality Leadership Corps Training (Bellevue), June 27-29: A unique opportunity to learn climate change presentation skills from Vice President Al Gore. Apply here.
Are you aware of other events or resources to include? Email them to Rev. Jenny Phillips.