Alaska Conference Special Session affirms request to become a mission district, seeks inclusion within...

By Rev. Jim Doepken During a Special Called Session of the Alaska Conference of The United Methodist Church this weekend, members voted to dissolve their...

$75k matching grant offered to push Imagine No Malaria giving over the top

By Patrick Scriven & Julia Frisbie | Photo by Mike DuBose, UMNS April 21, 2016 | Des Moines, WA For the past three years, United Methodists in...

PNW Board of Ordained Ministry will resist discriminatory GC2019 restrictions

A letter was sent earlier this month to ministerial candidates in the PNW Conference in response to the harmful actions of General Conference 2019. In reassurance, it offers "that the actions of General Conference do not and will not change our statement or our current practice..."

Get to know Bill Gibson

Welcome Bill Gibson, PNW's Director of Strategic Faith Community Development! Bill Gibson is a cultural analyst, semiotician, and theological entrepreneur, working as the Director of...

An Open Letter to Rev. Tom Lambrecht, member of the Commission on a Way...

On Friday, UMC Commission on a Way Forward member Rev. Tom Lambrecht sent a message to email subscribers of Good News Magazine lamenting decisions made by Bishop Elaine Stanovsky in the Greater Northwest Area. In this open letter, Bishop Elaine uses the practices embraced by the Commission in its work, to offer a thoughtful, prayerful, response.

A Message to the Greater Northwest Area

Next week, the questions raised over Bishop Karen Oliveto's election last July will come before the #UMC Judicial Council. Bishop Elaine Stanovsky writes to keep members of the Greater NW Area informed about this important matter involving the Western Jurisdiction.

The Western Methodist Justice Movement convenes in Sacramento

  By Rhondalei Gabuat Sacramento, Calif. - The leadership team of the Western Methodist Justice Movement (WMJM) convened their yearly planning meeting at The Table United...

Greater NW Area leaders express disappointment over failure to ratify amendments expressing gender equality,...

Bishop Elaine Stanovsky and the district superintendents and staff of the Greater Northwest Area offer words of comfort and conviction in a video recorded after disheartening news of failed constitutional amendments concerning gender equality.

The First Step is Always the Hardest

By the Rev. Dr. William D. Gibson | Photos by Patrick Scriven and Teri Tobey View photos from this event. Seattle, Wash. - How do we...

Rev. Cruz Edwin Santos appointed as Director of Hispanic/Latinx Ministries for the PNW Conference

Bishop Elaine J.W. Stanovsky has appointed the Rev. Cruz Edwin Santos as Hispanic/Latinx Ministries Coordinator for the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference beginning July 1, 2019. Rev. Lyda Pierce, who...