When the Methodists took on the Hop King
By Patrick Scriven
In a drama that played itself out in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer in 1895, conflicting values of late 19th century Methodism – namely...
Bishop Elaine Stanovsky’s Post-Judicial Council Hearing Remarks
Bishop Elaine Stanovsky shares her prepared remarks for the press conference which followed Judicial Council oral arguments on April 25, 2017 in Newark, NJ. She restates the argument that jurisdictional autonomy in electing bishops is "at the heart of our unity-in-diversity" and confirms that obedient love, not defiance, guides the WJ's decision making.
A statement from the Western Jurisdiction College of Bishops
Bishop Elaine Stanovsky released this statement this evening speaking on behalf of the Western Jurisdiction College of Bishops. The statement offers a response to the ruling of the Judicial Council regarding the election of an out, gay bishop.
Bishop Stanovsky assigned to the Greater NW Area #WJUMC
Upon the recommendation of the Committee on Episcopacy, the Western Jurisdiction has assigned Bishop Elaine Stanovsky to Greater Northwest area for the 2016-2020 quadrennium.
I am not a divider, am I?
In 1991, Roxy and Michelle started to attend Ashland United Methodist Church. In this powerful look back, the church's current pastor, Rev. Richenda Fairhurst, shares the tragic story of what followed, and how love responded.
Greater NW churches respond to GC with messages of love, apology and inclusion
When the Traditional Plan passed at General Conference, local churches across the Greater Northwest Area raced to counter to a message sent that was out of sync with the ministry they understand God calling them toward. Kristen Caldwell shares how a number of church leaders responded.
WJ Mission Cabinet endorses One Church Plan
"It is after much prayer, study and discernment that we share with you that we believe that the One Church Plan is the best way forward for the mission and ministry of The United Methodist Church."
Members of the Western Jurisdiction's Mission Cabinet have endorsed the One Church Plan, noting their commitment to the full inclusion of LGBTQ persons in the church now, and a recognition of the need to create "generous space" for all to live faithfully their conscience as they follow Jesus.
Shower trailers will help VIM teams in the Greater Northwest
By Jim Truitt | Photos by members of PNW UMVIM, Early Response Teams, et. al.
Finding lodging for Early Response Teams (ERT) and Volunteers in...
Fear of the Tap (water)
Growing up in the Philippines, the Rev. David Valera learned that it was never safe to drink water straight from the tap. In this reflective post, Valera wrestles with how hard it can be to let go of "deep-rooted fears" even long after one has learned there is no danger. He wonders what role the church can play in liberating others.
The 144th Session of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference
"What happened this year at Annual Conference?"
Patrick Scriven files this overview report on the 2017 Pacific Northwest Annual Conference. While it