R.I.P. Ministry Directory; Update your Find-A-Church profile

By Patrick Scriven | Director of Communications, Young People's Ministries After a number of years of service, we'll soon be decommissioning the PNW Ministry Directory...

Scholarship and Grant Opportunities

The Council of Bishops of The United Methodist Church announces two exciting opportunities offered through their office: 1. Applications for a partial scholarship to attend...

Become an Immigrant Welcoming Congregation

Sign in front of the United Methodist Building in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Noel Andersen) By the Rev. Noel Andersen* Congregations across the United States are embarking...

Calling all Clergy Spouses!

Dear Clergy of the PNW and their Partners/Spouses, You may have heard that the PNW Conference is widening its focus on clergy wellness to include...

Our Social Principles: A Guide to the Church, A Witness to the World

Submitted by Judy Dirks for the PNW Board of Church & Society This spring, Pacific Northwest Conference laity and clergy will have a unique opportunity...

Bossey! UMEIT: Plunge! Local Initiatives Grants!

Apply: 2019 Scholarship for Bossey! | Local Initiatives Grants! This is a reminder there are several opportunities available JUST FOR THE NEXT FEW DAYS for...

Celebrating Easter together during this time of physical separation

Production is underway for a Greater Northwest Area-wide celebration of Easter, and we are inviting you to participate! Bishop Elaine JW Stanovsky will deliver...

The 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches

The 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches By the Rev. Darryn Hewson | Images courtesy of http://wcc2013.info I recently has traveled to Busan, South...

Resources for Faith Sharing

On the Shelf: Resources for Faith Sharing By Ian McKnight with Jesse N. Love If you have read the February issue of Channels, you’ll notice that this...

Introduction to UM Seminars for youth group, young adult leaders

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Youth group and young adult leaders are invited to attend a three-day “In Focus” familiarization event, July 23-25, about United Methodist...