The 2013 PNWAC Legislative Reports
The 2013 Annual Conference Sessions present
The Legislative Reports
Prepared by Gretchen Engle
The PNW Conference voted to...
ʽDigital divide’ concern arises with African delegates
By Sam Hodges
May 10, 2016 | PORTLAND, Oregon (UMNS)
At past General Conferences, delegates wanting to speak in a plenary session raised a card and...
Repent — Reconcile — Restore
WASHINGTON, D.C. — In light of recent decisions by grand juries in Missouri and New York, as well as concern of ongoing police violence...
A statement from the Western Jurisdiction College of Bishops
Bishop Elaine Stanovsky released this statement this evening speaking on behalf of the Western Jurisdiction College of Bishops. The statement offers a response to the ruling of the Judicial Council regarding the election of an out, gay bishop.
Bishop Stanovsky assigned to the Greater NW Area #WJUMC
Upon the recommendation of the Committee on Episcopacy, the Western Jurisdiction has assigned Bishop Elaine Stanovsky to Greater Northwest area for the 2016-2020 quadrennium.
Washington Wildfires Update
By the Rev. Stanley J. Norman
Firefighters are finally containing the massive Carlton Complex Fires in Eastern Washington (52% contained as of Thursday, July 24th)....
Revs. Sandy Brown, Brad Laurvick, and Emma Donohew share words of congratulations after two different victories. Photo by Patrick Scriven.
By Patrick Scriven | Director...
Greater NW Ministry Interns: “God is doing a new thing…”
In September, 3 young adults began 9 months of discernment and service as ministry interns in different churches across the Greater Northwest Area. Over the...
UMW: Let’s Intercept the Traffickers!
By Elizabeth Blanton & Cary Lee | Seattle First United Methodist Church
The United Methodist Women (UMW) are huddling together to bring awareness to human...
Trial By Fire
Photos & Story by David Reinholz | Associate Lay Leader, PNW Conference
"We saw the fire come over the top of the ridge at 7:00 pm...