A book from the None Zone

By Rev. Rich Lang To the Saints of the SeaTac Missional District,  Our pastors have been wonderfully creative and busy. You can now order a book...

Returning Home

A year after a freak tornado devastated their home, Beth and John Mueller gathered with members of Colby UMC in their rebuilt home receiving a blessing from their pastor Sheila Miranda. “United Methodists have a fantastic way of showing their faith through their deeds and their actions.”

Rev. Meredith Dodd and Rev. Mel Woodworth as co-pastors of Bryn Mawr UMC

Bishop Elaine J.W. Stanovsky intends to appoint the Rev. Meredith Dodd and Rev. Mel Woodworth as co-pastors of Bryn Mawr United Methodist Church in...

Katy Fitzpatrick Shedlock to Rockford United Methodist Church

Bishop Grant Hagiya announces his intention to appoint the Katy Fitzpatrick Shedlock as pastor of Rockford United Methodist Church, effective July 1, 2015. Ms. Shedlock is currently...

One Matters Award: Rochester UMC focuses on kids, parents, and discipleship

One Matters Award: Rochester UMC focuses on kids, parents, and discipleship By Jesse N. Love with Pastor Heather Sparkman and the Rev. David Nieda Rochester, Wash....

And Your Little Dog Too

Scott Rosekrans, pastor to Community United Methodist Church in Port Hadlock, uses the classic story of the Wizard of Oz and its vengeful witch to highlight Paul's wise teaching on forgiveness in Romans. "Revenge is an uncontrollable monster that feeds on itself," Rosekrans writes, noting that the Apostle raises the bar while illuminating new possibilities.

A Word About the Oliveto Decision

"What we are really wrestling with is the character and will of God. Is God a compassionate, benevolent presence that offers blessing and favor? Or, is God a righteous judge that separates the pure and impure..." Seattle District Superintendent Rich Lang reflects upon last week's Judicial Council ruling and what it means for The United Methodist Church.

Puget Sound District goes back to its Roots…and Wings!

Puget Sound District goes back to its Roots...and Wings! By Kyle A. Franklin with Jesse N. Love | Narrated by Sarah B. Robinson On January 30,...

Rev. Wes Stanton as full-time Pastor of Tracyton UMC

Bishop Elaine J.W. Stanovsky intends to appoint the Rev. Wesley Stanton as full-time Pastor of Tracyton United Methodist Church in Tracyton, Washington beginning July...

Can Sabbath Save our World?

By the Rev. Cara Scriven | Tacoma District Superintendent I am an unapologetic nerd of the sci-fi variety. One of my favorite series to watch...