A Place at the Table: Connecting with Conference Churches


By Dave Burfeind | Director, Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center

The next phase in the A Place at the Table campaign to construct a new dining hall at Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center is “going public”. We have spent quality time connecting with our many friends who have supported Lazy F for many years and the guest groups who visit us annually. This fall it is our goal to share our story with the congregations within the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference. We have a multifaceted plan of action to connect in differing ways that best fit the personality of the congregation.

The first two kick-off banquets generated an enthusiastic response and a generous outpouring of pledges and gifts. About 200 people attended the events, pledging and donating over $86,000. Three additional kickoff banquets are planned for the fall:

  • Sunday, September 25th in Ellensburg at the Cross Residence
  • Sunday, October 16th in the Yakima area at the Ahtamum Barn
  • Sunday, November 6th in Bellevue at the Venue

Our goal is to have 100–150 guests at each event with several important United Methodist congregations involved in each event. There is no cost to attend the banquets; we are seeking businesses and donors to underwrite the cost of meal and venue. The focus is to provide a fun night with a delicious meal in a unique venue and a brief program highlighting the need and project. We are not shy in telling folks that we will be asking for their support. Through this campaign we have found that people typically do not give unless they are asked!

We are also planning two smaller kick off events in the Wenatchee and Tri-Cities areas with a goal of 50 – 75 people at each event. They will most likely be held on a Saturday late afternoon in a nice venue. This will cover our Seven Rivers District and connect with many of our nearby congregations.

There are a number of congregations who have close connections with Lazy F, or a strong history of camping ministry involvement. We will be making personal phone calls with leaders in these churches to ascertain how they may envision involvement in the campaign. Considering the strong connectional ties within our Church, it is important to share the good news of the campaign with and invite all churches to participate. We will provide campaign materials including brochures, a video, testimonials, and suggestions for ways to be involved. Finally, current information about the progress of the campaign and construction updates will be provided through a variety of Conference communication channels.

Thank you for your involvement in the Place at the Table campaign. If you have any questions, please contact Dave Burfeind, Director, at 509 962-2780.

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