How very good and pleasant it is
when kindred live together in unity!
For there the Lord ordained his blessing,
life forevermore.
-Psalm 133:1, 3b
Today, the Council of Bishops strongly recommend that United Methodists stay together as ONE CHURCH.

Together, the council agreed to recommend that the 2019 General Conference make room for individuals, local churches and annual conferences to exercise conscience as they choose whether or not to ordain gay and lesbian clergy, or to perform weddings for couples of the same gender, by removing prohibitive language from the Book of Discipline, and letting Annual Conferences set standards for ordination, and same gender weddings.
This recommendation emerged out of honest anguish and disagreement, as well as patient listening and fervent prayer, as we met in closed session. We make this recommendation despite deep and painful differences in our understanding of God’s will for LGBTQ people and a recognition that the “contextual” teachings and practices of the church in one area not only makes ministry more difficult in other areas, but can cause real harm to people.
While forces around the world are sowing distrust and driving wedges to divide people against one another, we hope The United Methodist Church can be a witness to the whole world that people can live together in peace and love each other, despite profound disagreements, even as we continue to discern God’s will and way for the whole human family.
Living in hope,
Bishop Elaine JW Stanovsky | Greater NW Area
This is a great solution. Leaving it to the church and the pastors save everybody’s conscience. Leave our God has total control and overtime the path that will be chosen will be with God leads. For the short term this is a great solution. Thank you.
I hope that soon more bishops of the caliber of Bishop Stanovsky will be elected. Bishop Stanovsky refuses, as she should, to put “new wine into old wineskins.” Kudos, Bishop Stanovsky you are walking the road that Jesus would have us all walk.