Board Membership, Committees and Task Forces
Board Membership, Committees and Task Forces
Contact Information for Members of the Board
- Chair: Geoff Helton
- Vice Chairs: Katie Ladd & Janelle Kurtz
- BOM Administrator: Stephanie Franklin
Committees and Chairs
- Conference Relations: David Nieda, Chair
- DCOM Coordinator: Katie Klosterman
- Formation: Alexa Eisenbarth, Chair
- Provisional and Full Membership Interview Team: Emily Carroll & Joe Kim, Chairs
- Chair of Order of Elders: Debbie Sperry
- Chair of Order of Deacons: Denise McGuiness
- Chair of Fellowship of Licensed Local Pastors: Vonda McFadden
- Residence in Ministry: Shalom Agtarap, Coordinator
- Transcript Review:
District Committees on Ordained Ministry
District committees have responsibility for supervising all matters dealing with candidacy for the ordained ministry and with the license for local pastors. DCOMs are represented on the full Board of Ordained Ministry and serve to discover fitness for the call to ministry in the UMC. Through their recommendation, certified candidates are sent to the Provisional Committee for the interviewing process.
- Crest to Coast, Sue Ostrom & Heather Sparkman, Chairs
- Inland, Sandy Ward, Chair
- Puget Sound, Justin White, Chair
- SeaTac, Laura Baumgartner, Chair
- Seven Rivers, Ben Moore, Chair
BOM Menu
- BOM Contact Information
- Board of Ordained Ministry
- Ministry Candidates, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity
- So I’m Interested in Ministry
- Steps into Licensed and Ordained Ministry
- Licensed Local Pastor Resources
- Ordination Process Resources
- Seminary Scholarships
- Resources for Clergy Members
- Transfer Policy
- Resources for Clergy Members
- Helping Professionals Directory