Creation Care & Justice Ministries
Creation Care in the Pacific Northwest Conference means tending to the health of the environment, including all places where we live, work, play and pray. We have grown to understand that creation care can also be justice work as the communities most often hurt by climate change, environmental neglect, and rampant consumption are those with the least access access, resources and privilege.
Creation care ministries extend into the full life of the church:
- Worship: Connecting our praise of the God who chose to become present in the physical world with our own love for this world.
- Education: Learning the Biblical, theological, and historical connections between faith and creation care, and understanding the theological implications of our current environmental crisis.
- Mission: Recognizing the deep connections between creation care and historic concerns of the church including hunger, poverty, and justice, and ensuring that our relationship with the environment supports rather than undermines our missional work.
- Financial Administration: Acknowledging that our values are vividly expressed by the ways in which we manage and spend our financial resources, and ensuring that our purchases and investments support the care of creation.
- Building and Property Management: Caring for our physical assets in ways that enhance the flourishing of God’s creation.
- Fellowship: Exploring and enjoying the natural world with one another.
All of our efforts are in alignment with our Social Principles which declare,
“All creation is the Lord’s, and we are responsible for the ways in which we use and abuse it. Water, air, soil, minerals, energy resources, plants, animal life, and space are to be valued and conserved because they are God’s creation and not solely because they are useful to human beings…”

Featured Resources and Ministry Partners

Global Ministries Creation Care Network
The Global Ministries Creation Care Network is an online platform to help members of The United Methodist Church and established ministry partners put Creation Care and environmental justice values into action. It is a space for United Methodists to connect, share, and learn from one another as we deepen and grow our collective Creation Care ministries.

UMC Creation Justice Movement
The mission of the UMC Creation Justice Movement is to participate with the Spirit of God in connecting and supporting groups within the United Methodist Church and beyond for the work of creation care, justice, and regeneration. They sponsor regular webinars, a monthly email and create and distribute resources for local church use.

Earth Ministry / Washington Interfaith Power & Light
For 30 years, Earth Ministry/WAIPL has been a national leader in engaging the faith community in environmental stewardship and advocacy. Operating primarily in Washington, they envision a just and sustainable future where people of all spiritual traditions fully embrace their faith’s call to environmental stewardship.

General Board of Church and Society Climate Focus
Through acts of personal, social and civic righteousness, United Methodists are modeling a new lifestyle and advocating for God’s people and God’s planet so that all God’s children can share in the goodness of Creation. This resource from the General Board of Church and Society communicates shared UMC positions on climate care appearing in the Church’s Social Principles and Book of Resolutions.