New scholarship opportunity for students in Pacific Northwest Conference!

The Pacific Northwest Conference is now accepting scholarship applications for the 2018-2019 academic year. 


Are you a United Methodist college student in the Pacific Northwest Conference?

If so, the Pacific Northwest Conference has a new scholarship program available for students who are pursuing a degree through an accredited program, college or university. Applications must be completed by April 1st!

Click here to apply!

This new scholarship is being offered to students who are members of a United Methodist ministry setting (church or campus ministry) in the Pacific Northwest. Existing support of student education was reallocated to create this new scholarship opportunity. We will be offering a limited number of $1,500 scholarships.


  • Applicants must be ACTIVE, full members of a United Methodist Ministry Setting in the Pacific Northwest Conference for at least ONE year. Membership is determined by the date the applicant was confirmed and took membership vows with a United Methodist setting (Members of other Methodist denominations are not eligible). Membership will be verified.
  • Applicants must be pursuing a degree through an accredited program, college or university (which can be outside the state).
  • High school students may apply IF they will be college students in the fall term.
  • Applicants must apply each year they would like to be considered for a scholarship.
  • Scholarship may be granted a maximum of 4 times to the same applicant.


  • Application Opens: March 1
  • Application Deadline: April 1
  • Grant Recipients Notified: May 1
  • Grant Checks Issued: August 1

Please gather all the information you need before starting the application including your reference letters. You cannot save and return to the application later.