Curtis’ Time-Out Corner:
Create & Care for Your Relationships
By Curtis Brown

By our Discipline and organization, Annual Conference is the basic organization structure of our denomination.  This is where we make decisions about funding, credentialing, priorities and structure.
But, even more than our work, Annual Conference is about relationships.  You can see this as people greet one another, renew old friendships, make new connections, and introduce one another to really great folks.  To me, these networks are what make Annual Conference work.  Our relationships form our foundational organizational connection.
All of these big words really just mean one thing — make sure you to take the time to create and care for your friendships and relationships while here at Annual Conference.  The conversations around the edges of our business are really important to the strength of our Conference, so go ahead and spend some time talking with one another in the lobby.

Curtis Brown serves as the director of Faith Community Development for the PNWUMC.

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