A Matter of Alignment?
The Rev. Paul Graves uses the metaphor of chiropractic alignment to discuss the problems we are experiencing as a denomination today, and at times in our own struggles as well. He states, "alignment has everything to do with relationships we have – with our bodies, emotions, the people we live with and around, the God we perceive, and the Bible we read."
Nurturing Elders: How to grow spiritually for boomers
Transforming faith is an adult task! | By the Rev. Paul Graves
“When I was a child, my speech, feelings, and thinking were all those...
Good Brain Health and Volunteering Go Together
In a post for Nurturing Elders on the PNW News Blog, Rev. Paul Graves explores what it takes to keep the brain healthy as we age. While he wasn't surprised to find that that those who kept active through volunteering were rewarded with better brain health, he was to discover the primary importance of motivation. According to one study those who regularly volunteered lived longer "but only if their intentions were truly altruistic."
Nurturing Elders: Prodigal Summer Memories
By the Rev. Paul Graves
One of my favorite Biblical stories for decades has been The Prodigal Son parable. For a variety of reasons it...
Being Human is More Than We Settle For
Nurturing Elders and Others:
Being Human is More Than We Settle For
By The Rev. Paul Graves
What if being human is more than we human beings...
Where’s the bottom? God knows.
By The Rev. Paul Graves | Photo courtesy of Wikipedia
Note to readers: This column is unlike any past column I’ve written in this space....
Nurturing Elders: Tutoring connects church with the neighborhood
By the Rev. Al Aosved | Photo courtesy of Wikipedia and Jesse N. Love
It is Thursday. Folks have been busy moving from room to room, picking...
I don’t have time to be patient!
Illustration of “Bobby Bumps Goes Fishing”, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, bit.ly/bobbybumpsfishing
Nurturing Elders and Others:
I don’t have time to be patient!
By The Rev. Paul Graves
Nurturing Elders: Near The End!
Nurturing Elders: Near The End!
By the Rev. Paul Graves
Don’t let “near the end” scare you! The end may be one of the best times...
Registration for the new Older Adults Retreat is now available!
Rosalee Mohney shares early details on a new Older Adults Retreat being offered at Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center September 18-20. The over-arching them for the Retreat is "What’s Next?" and registration is already available for those who like to plan ahead!