Western Jurisdiction News

Coverage of General Conference 2012 particularly relevant to United Methodists in the Western Jurisdiction and/or provided by UMNS or the WJ media pool.

Hoshibata Offers Healing Message to #gc2012 – VIDEO

Bishop Robert T. Hoshibata preaches during worship at the 2012 United Methodist General Conference in Tampa, Fla. A UMNS photo by Mike DuBose. By Greg...

Council Executive Committee Affirms Unity, Moves Forward

Nashville, Tenn.: Meeting in Chicago last week, the Council of Bishops' Executive Committee approved a framework for implementing the Commission on a Way Forward...

Video Intro to Repentance Service

Dr. Tink Tinker, shares his views on Repentance, and what to expect in his message tonight during the Worship Service of Repentance of General...

Two bishops differ on same-sex union

Retired Bishop Melvin Talbert speaking in May of 2012 at the Reconciling Ministries tabernacle located near the site of the General Conference in Tampa,...

The First Step is Always the Hardest

By the Rev. Dr. William D. Gibson | Photos by Patrick Scriven and Teri Tobey View photos from this event. Seattle, Wash. - How do we...

US and Mexico Faith and Community Leaders Visiting Unaccompanied Migrant Children Temporary Holding Facility...

McAllen, TX - As the Obama Administration prepares to fast-track the deportation of these unaccompanied migrant children against public opinion (Reuters/Ipsos poll), faith...

Hagiya to Serve New Episcopal Area in West

Bishop Grant J. Hagiya, presiding over the Western Jurisdictional Conference Session on Friday, July 20, 2012 in San Diego, California. Photo by Patrick Scriven By...

The Western Jurisdictional Conference has elected a bishop

After a day filled with votes, holy conferencing, votes, reports, votes, the approval of a new future together for the Mountain Sky Area, votes, a retirement celebration...

Laywoman Gives $1.1 Million Gift to Malaria Initiative

*By Dr. Larry R. Hygh, Jr. “I think it’s important that we all give back in some small way to make this world a better...

A PNW delegate’s perspective on the election of Bishop Karen Oliveto

By Megan Kilpatrick | Western Jurisdictional Conference Delegate Friends in Christ, There has been a lot said about what happened at our Jurisdictional Conference this last...