Local pastors in background at General Conference
By Sam Hodges
May 11, 2016 | PORTLAND, Ore. (UMNS)
Licensed local pastors don’t get to serve as delegates to General Conference. So when they sit...
Bishops vow to work toward unity, accountability
By Heather Hahn
May 16, 2016 | PORTLAND, Ore. (UMNS)
United Methodist bishops have adopted a “Covenant of Accountability,” in which they pledge to work for...
New Administrative Assistant hired to support Greater Northwest Area Office
Bishop Elaine J.W. Stanovsky is pleased to announce the hiring of the Rachel Fitzgerald as administrative assistant for the episcopal office of The Greater...
GBCS Board of Directors Release Social Principles to the Church
CHICAGO — At its final meeting of the quadrennium, the board of directors of the General Board of Church and Society (GBCS) introduced the Revised...
Commission members grateful to serve, complete work on final report
LOS ANGELES – Members of the Commission on a Way Forward expressed gratitude at the opportunity to be part of the Commission and they...
Way Forward report released in all four official languages of General Conference
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The final report of the Commission on a Way Forward has been released in all four official languages of the General...
Greater Northwest Area Disaster Response Programs Looking Ahead
In a new step of collaboration, Jim Truitt is leaving his role as Disaster Response Coordinator for the PNW Conference to provide leadership for for a Greater Northwest Area Disaster Response pilot program. Dana and Kathy Bryson will be replacing Jim as Disaster Response Coordinators in the PNW.
Global Young People Adopt Unity Statement Declaring Love for Church
NASHVILLE, Tenn. Sept. 26, 2018 /Discipleship Ministries/ – United Methodist youth and young adults attending the Global Young People’s Convocation (GYPC) adopted a Statement of Unity declaring...
April 30 wrap: No set-aside bishop
Newly commissioned missionaries and deaconesses are presented during a mission celebration on April 29 at the 2012 United Methodist General Conference in Tampa, Fla. A...
With no Plan UMC, GC2012 shrinks agency boards
Members of the Virginia delegation huddle to discuss possible next steps after the United Methodist Judicial Council ruled the proposed "Plan UMC" for church...