On Religious Freedom and Referendum 74

Bishop Grant J. Hagiya preaching at the Service of Commissioning and Ordination during the 2012 Pacific Northwest Annual Conference Session in Pasco, WA. Photo...

Is the #UMC brand broken?

By Patrick Scriven Regardless of how one identifies theologically, this last week was not a good one for the United Methodist brand. If you were conservative,...

Opinion: The Cost of Unity

"It is time for us to start talking about what we agree on and what we can do well together instead of arguing about what divides us." In an opinion piece, the Rev. Austin Adkinson expresses his desire for a continuing unity but, unapologetically, is not willing to accept unity that comes "at the expense of our LGBTQI siblings in faith."

Seattle Area United Methodists share their Pride

Overview & Photos by Patrick Scriven, Director of Communications & Young People's Ministry Over the last weekend of June, Seattle Pride, a non-profit organization which “coordinates and...

Council of Bishops follows tradition with letter to the church

Washington, D.C.: Reviving a tradition that is more than a century old, the United Methodist Council of Bishops sent this letter today to the...

2 clergy face 24-hour suspension for gay weddings

Rev. Gordon Hutchins marries Wayne and Michael Simonson at his church in Tacoma, WA. Screen grab from the video, A Church Divided produced by Adithya Sambamurthy/The Center for...

Amicable breakup of UMC needed, pastor group says

By Sam Hodges | May 22, 2014| DALLAS (UMNS) A group of United Methodist pastors and theologians is calling for an amicable split of the denomination,...

Western Jurisdiction Bishops Offer Pastoral Response to #UMC Related to Judicial Council Decision

The members of the Western Jurisdiction College of Bishops of The United Methodist Church today presented a pastoral message to the church during the meeting of the denomination’s Council of Bishops in Dallas, Texas. The message is the bishops’ response to United Methodist Judicial Council Decision 1341 regarding Bishop Karen Oliveto’s Election.

Another look at new connectional giving numbers

For the fourth year in a row, more conferences paid 100% of their general-church apportionment. For Patrick Scriven, the variance in how different United Methodist jurisdictions in the U.S. met this goal raises some interesting questions.

GCAH: 2018 Marks the beginning of a Jubilee for United Methodists

Did you know that 2018 marks the 50th year anniversary of The United Methodist Church? In the newsletter for the General Commission on Archives and History, General Secretary Rev. Fred Day looks back to this pivotal moment in 1968 (in the church and the nation), and the hope enunciated by Albert Outler that the #UMC would be a "bold choice of unity in the face of the surrounding chaos."