A PNW delegate’s perspective on the election of Bishop Karen Oliveto

By Megan Kilpatrick | Western Jurisdictional Conference Delegate Friends in Christ, There has been a lot said about what happened at our Jurisdictional Conference this last...

Some thoughts for Local Church Pastors needing to explain why The United Methodist Church...

By Patrick Scriven I appreciate that “United Methodist leaders” decided to wait until after the holidays to deliver the news of a proposal to allow...

General Conference Sites Chosen for 2024 and 2028

By Diane Degnan | United Methodist Communications Portland, Oregon: Meeting in Portland, Oregon this week for their final meeting before General Conference 2016, the Commission on...

Is the #UMC brand broken?

By Patrick Scriven Regardless of how one identifies theologically, this last week was not a good one for the United Methodist brand. If you were conservative,...

Council of Bishops follows tradition with letter to the church

Washington, D.C.: Reviving a tradition that is more than a century old, the United Methodist Council of Bishops sent this letter today to the...

Just Tell Your Story

"Story telling just hasn’t made enough difference." Amory Peck, former PNW Conference Lay Leader and delegate to a number of General Conferences, shares her story of advocating for change in The United Methodist Church and her take on the Uniting Methodist Movement. She believes their proposal to be a overreaching call for unity in the church "done on the backs of too, too many children of God."

And the children shall lead us…

According to Patrick Scriven, the advocacy of young people in the wake of last week's school shooting is both inspiring and unsettling. It's inspiring because it may be making a difference but it's unsettling because it also speaks to the brokenness of institutions like the federal government and The United Methodist Church.

Thoughts on #GC2012 after a week of less stressful living

Delegation members Marie Kuch, the Rev. Gloria Kymn, Amory Peck and the Rev. Craig Parrish share a light moment with their 'voting keypads' on...

An Open Letter to My Parents on Queerness and Being #CalledOut

Dear Mom and Dad, Welcome back from the mission trip, Dad. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom. While Dad was away I joined a group of over...

We desperately need adults at General Conference  #UMCGC

Commentary by Patrick Scriven May 15, 2016 | Portland, Oregon We desperately need adults at General Conference. The idea has passed through my head on a...