Welcoming the Stranger

By the Rev. Cara Scriven | Tacoma District Superintendent As a pastor serving a local church, I enjoyed preaching and worshiping with my congregation but...

Reflections upon the Closing of Kahlotus Community United Methodist Church

By Sam Geyer One thing that I never thought that I would do in ministry was to be the last pastor that a church has...

Rev. Paula McCutcheon to Lake Washington United Methodist Church.

Bishop Grant Hagiya announces his intention to appoint the Rev. Paula McCutcheon to Lake Washington United Methodist Church, effective July 1, 2016. Rev. McCutcheon is...

Rev. Mark R. Williams to Benton City United Methodist Church

Bishop Grant Hagiya announces his intention to appoint the Rev. Mark R. Williams to Benton City United Methodist Church, effective July 1, 2015.

The PNW District Service Center welcomes new staff

By Brant Henshaw, et. al. Over the summer we learned that our then District Service Center(DSC) staff, Kyle Franklin and Sabrina Venture, both had new...

Kent UMC: Jesus Tour Summer 2016!

Jesus Tour Summer 2016! Where will you take Jesus this week? By Susan Kipper How is it with your soul? Methodist founder John Wesley encouraged believers to...

Don’t Go It Alone!

By the Rev. Rich Lang | Seattle District Superintendent This week the clergy of our Conference gather in Vancouver for a Bishop's Symposium. On the one hand this...

Kate Kilroy as a Lay Person Assigned to launch a ‘new place for new people’...

Puget Sound District Superintendent Daniel Foster intends to assign Kate Kilroy as a Lay Person Assigned to launch a new place for new people out...

The Rebuild Movement

In July 2016, laity from The PNW Conference visited sites in Pateros, Wash. Wildfires from 2014 and 2015 left over 400 homes destroyed and...

Dione Corsilles as the Associate Pastor of Blaine Memorial UMC

Bishop Grant Hagiya announces his intent to appoint Dione Corsilles as the Associate Pastor of Blaine Memorial United Methodist Church, Seattle, WA, effective July 1, 2016. Dione...