Bishops offers video as resource for One Church plan discussions


The Council of Bishops is offering a video outlining the One Church Plan as a resource for annual conferences as they prepare for the 2019 Special Session of General Conference.   The video may be shown at annual conference sessions or be used in discussions.

During their meeting earlier this month, the bishops voted to recommend the One Church Plan as the best way forward for the future of The United Methodist Church.  The recommendation is based on the work of the 32-member Commission on a Way Forward.

The One Church Plan will be placed before the 2019 General Conference for legislative action.

To honor the work of the commission, and in service to the delegates to the 2019 Special Session of the General Conference, the Council of Bishops will also provide supplemental materials that include a historical narrative with disciplinary implications related to the connectional conference plan and the traditionalist plan.

The One Church Plan video is available in various file sizes and formats so that it may be shared via social media and also presented at large gatherings such as annual conference sessions.

CLICK HERE to download the video files.


  1. The One Church Plan “should” keep everyone content. Churches can decide for themselves whether or not to hire a LBGTQ pastor, or allow same gender marriages to take place in their church.
    Only people who feel that a church should be run “only their way,” will be displeased.
    I know, the more conservative people among us will quote the Bible, a book written by men centuries ago in a male dominated society. However, these probably well meaning people are Proof Texting, and picking and choosing the passages in the Bible that suit their purposes or agenda.

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