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PNW Gathering of the Orders
October 23, 2018 - October 25, 2018

What does it mean to be a Deacon, an Elder, a Licensed Local Pastor, a Certified Lay Minister or Lay Person Assigned? How do these offices within the church strengthen the church as a whole? How do they provide people a variety of ways to offer themselves vocationally for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? How do we understand these as identities and not only, or even primarily, job descriptions? How has each of our responses to God’s claim on our lives led us to the identity, the work, and the Way that gives us deep meaning and purpose?
These are hard questions in the best of times. During times of national, international, and denominational strife and division, it becomes more imperative to know how to address them. This way of life is wonderful, difficult, heartbreaking, joyous, isolating, painful, and filled with love. There is no other job like serving God vocationally.
You are invited to the Gathering of the Orders where this year we will explore spiritual sustenance for this life. We will dialogue about the realities of living this way amid change – personal, professional, denominational, and sociopolitical. You are invited as a spiritual leader in this denomination to gather with your colleagues and fellow members of your orders and fellowships to be replenished. We hope to see you October 23-25.
Rev. Larry Peacock, a retired UMC Elder, Executive Director of the Franciscan Spiritual Center, Portland, Oregon, a retreat leader, and Spiritual Director will serve as our keynote presenter, as he speaks on and invites us to reflect upon “Angles and Rules: Shaping a Contemplative Life” and “Hospice Worker or Trail Blazer: The Multiple Shapes of Spiritual Leadership.” Larry has authored two books, Openings: Daybook of Saints, Sages, Psalms and Prayer Practices, and The Living Nativity: Preparing for Christmas with St. Francis.
We celebrate God’s claim on our lives as ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. What brings you joy in this work? What confirms for you that God has called you to this life? Please bring to the Gathering of the Orders October 23-25 a photo or image that communicates your vocational identity. Interpret this as you will…be creative, honest, raw, humorous. Be you. We will post and give thanks for this holy life. See you October 23-25 in Wenatchee!
Online registration closed on October 15. Onsite registration will be available for $75.
Childcare is being offered by the church for children 4 and under.
Workshops Descriptions
Please select two of the following when you register.
Mindfulness – led by Rev. Denise McGuiness – Mindfulness has seen a resurgence in recent years as a technique used in positive psychology to help build wellbeing and resilience in one’s life. It is based on an ancient practice with spiritual roots in Christianity (centering prayer) and Buddhism (meditation) as well as other religious traditions. This course is a basic introduction to the benefits of mindfulness for stress reduction as well as how to use it as a meditation practice.
Solvitur Ambulando: It Is Solved by Walking – led by Rev. Wes Stanton – A brief exploration of walking as spiritual practice. We are evolved to be pedestrians. We are embodied to be attuned to all around us. Jesus’ community of disciples was a walking community, and his teachings and encounters along the way (the Way!) form us as they formed that community. Participants will be invited to walk together and separately in Wenatchee neighborhoods. Dress for the weather, and don’t forget sun protection.
Three Contemplative Practices that Transform Ourselves and Our World – led by Rev. Larry J. Peacock – We will explore and practice befriending silence, embracing loving kindness and living with gratitude. All of this as formation for a personal daily practice. [Only Offered Wednesday afternoon]
I Still Proclaim: Slam Poetry for Preachers, Pray-ers, and Scripture Readers – led by Rev. Katy Shedlock – Slam poetry is a contemporary art form with much to offer preachers, liturgists, and worship designers. We’ll learn the basic principles of slam and apply them to the public reading of Scripture, crafting and delivering prayers in worship, and creating sermons. No experience in poetry or performance necessary, but please come ready to write, read, and cheer each other on!
Vocational Identity and Calling During Personal Change – TBD – A moderated discussion with participants.
Schedule for Orders Retreat – October 23-25, 2018
12-1:30 – Registration
1:45 Gathering/Announcements
2:00 Opening Worship
2:30 Plenary Session – Keynote – Larry Peacock
3:30 Break
4:00 Workshops
5:30 Dinner at Wenatchee First
6:45 Vespers
9:00 Opening Worship
9:30 Plenary session – Keynote – Larry Peacock
10:30-11:15 Groups for Reflection
Noon Lunch – On your own
1:30 Gathering of the Orders and Fellowships
3:00 Break
3:30 Workshops
5:00 Vespers
5:30 Dinner on your own
9:30 Closing with Bishop Elaine discussing a theology of resilience
Service with Holy Communion
Wenatchee Hotel Options
(In order of distance from the church)
- Coast Wenatchee Center Hotel (.6 mi)
- Comfort Inn – Downtown (.9 mi)
- Best Western Chieftain Inn (1 mi)
- Travel Lodge by Wyndham (1 mi.)
- Red Lion Hotel (1.2 mi)
- Super 8 by Wyndham (1.3 mi)
- Cedars Inn (1.5 mi)
- Springhill Suites (1.9 mi)
- Holiday Inn Express (2.1 mi)
- La Quinta Inn and Suites (2.1 mi)
- Comfort Suites (3 mi)