PNW Conference United Women in Faith Leadership Team Planning
This meeting will be held on Zoom. Please refer to the PNW United Women in Faith website for more information.
This meeting will be held on Zoom. Please refer to the PNW United Women in Faith website for more information.
Please refer to the PNW United Women in Faith website for more information.
Each year, United Women in Faith members prepare for faithful living and action by engaging in transformative educational experiences at Mission u events. These events are centered around Mission u curricula that are designed to motivate, inform, and enrich our commitment to global ministry. More information about this year's event will be available soon. Please […]
Please refer to the PNW United Women in Faith website for more information. Location TBD.
Please refer to the PNW United Women in Faith website for more information.
Please refer to the PNW United Women in Faith website for more information and precise times.