Volunteers in Mission (VIM) Downloads
The following downloads are provided to support the work of Volunteers in Mission (VIM) teams. Please contact Cheryl Reagan with any questions.
Disaster Response Menu
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Disaster Response Plan
PNW Volunteers in Mission (VIM)
Volunteers in Mission (VIM) Downloads
PNW UMVIM Facebook
Training: CWS
Training: FEMA
Training: Red Cross
Disaster Response Contacts
Dana and Kathy Bryson
Disaster Response Coordinators
c: (509) 539-2978 | Email
Kathy Bryson
Early Response Team Coordinator
c: (509) 539-2978 | Email
Cheryl Reagan, UMVIM Coordinator
p: (509) 280-0029 | Email
NOMADS Tom Hager, NWJ Project Coordinator p: (509) 493-2445 | Email | Web