Fund for Families Grant
Pacific Northwest Conference
Phase One Distribution
The Connectional Table of the Pacific Northwest Conference has approved a grant of $350K through its Fund for Families Program to respond to the immediate and long-term needs of vulnerable families during the COVID-19 pandemic. Distribution of funds will be in two phases.
- Phase One will call upon already-established relationships between congregations and community partners for distribution of one-third of the grant to meet emergent needs.
- Phase Two, representing two-thirds of the grant, will be distributed through a planned process of learning and assessment designed to support congregations in creating or deepening community partnerships.
Congregations may apply to participate in Phase One by taking the following steps:
- Assess the need in your community for immediate assistance. Who is in need? What assistance would best meet the need? Where are the gaps in support that are not or cannot be filled by public, nonprofit or other religious organizations?
- Determine the distribution method, keeping the recipient first in your planning. For example, if families need food or diapers, do they generally shop at larger chain stores or in their immediate neighborhoods? This may make a difference as to whether you choose grocery gift cards, gift cards of a more flexible nature or commodities.
- Determine with which community organization(s) you will partner to distribute support.
- Is there opportunity for your congregation and partner to leverage the funds available through the Fund for Families Program? If so, what percentage match can you raise?
- Click the button below to apply.
- Once approved, you may move forward to purchase and distribute the assistance through your networks in the manner that best fits the needs of your context. Receipts of purchases and documentation of distribution to community partners must be retained by your church treasurer and forwarded to your district superintendent. Distribution forms may be downloaded here and may be modified with approval of your district superintendent.
Thank you in advance for your community connections and for your care of vulnerable families during this time.