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Stanwood UMC

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  3. Stanwood UMC
Events at this venue

Roots & Wings – Puget Sound District Training

Stanwood UMC 27128 102nd Dr, Stanwood, WA, United States

The Puget Sound Missional District is excited to bring back our event focused on leadership training for our laity! Because our district is geographically spread out, we are hosting this event in three different locations on three different Saturdays. Come to the one that is closest to you or the date that works best for […]

Inside out Faith: Conversations with Jennifer Knapp

Stanwood UMC 27128 102nd Dr, Stanwood, WA, United States

As part of Stanwood Camano Pride, Stanwood United Methodist Church is hosting Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter Jennifer Knapp on Sunday, June 4, in worship and for a concert and conversation in conjunction with Stanwood and Camaro Island Pride at 2 p.m. This is a free event! ALL are WELCOME! Everyone belongs! For questions, please email or […]

Table Talks

Stanwood UMC 27128 102nd Dr, Stanwood, WA, United States

For more information and to sign-up for your desired table talk, please click here.

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