News from Jamaa Letu

Girls Orphanage
—CEJAL (Centre for Jamaa Letu)

The Staff at the Orphanage Needs Prayers Too!

You might be familiar with the names of the children, but we also keep the staff in our prayers!  At the girls’ orphanage, please pray for:

Director, Mrs. Maruv Kayombo Rosine; secretary, Mr. Muteteke Cedrick; educator for the kindergarten, Mrs. Kanyembo Gisele, the Mamas, Mrs. Kalenga Mbuya Suzane, and Mrs. Mwadi Lyly; cook, Mrs. Mujinga Jeanine; House and Storage Keeper, Mrs. Ilunga Jose; and Gardener, Mr. Kapend Kazaj Eddy.  There are also 2 security guards from the YMUF Company.

Mama Suzane, our mother caregiver, has suffered a stroke that paralyzed her temporarily. It is clear that she can no longer work at the orphanage due to her actual physical and mental state. The local Episcopal Office will work for solutions on this sensitive issue to organize Mama Susane’s retirement as smoothly as possible in concert with her family.

Josephine I Got Married

Josephine got married on March 23rd, 2019 to Mr. Pierre M. The ceremony took place at our Samarie church in Ruashi and a reception was held at CEJAL in honor of the newlywed couple.

Esperance Is Expecting

In accordance to the orphanage’s rules, she couldn’t be allowed to stay at CEJAL with her sisters. We have met with her boyfriend and his family to find a solution to this problem with the help of Rev. Francine Tshisola. The family has accepted to take full responsibility over Esperance. She now lives at her boyfriend’s sister here in Lubumbashi downtown. She will continue to study at her high school and her tuition has already been paid in full prior to the unfortunate event. We can only hope that she will obtain her diploma this year and go on with her life.


Work is continuing on water and plumbing issues.

Local Support

Local support in the first quarter included corn flour, oil, fish, chicken, beans, toiletries and clothing.

Boys Orphanage—BART

Please Pray for the Staff of the Boys Orphanage

Please pray for the staff at the boys’ orphanage: director, Kafweta–Naweji Paul; permanent lady: Kamwengu–Nene; cook, Mand–Kalend; guards, Yimemisombo–John and Mutamba–Charle; and missionaries, Fresie Chikomb and Mr. Jean–Paul Dietrich.

A Boy’s Family Has Been Found!

You will notice the absence of Danny N, a child who lived the past two years in our orphanage. Danny was brought to us by social affairs office of Lubumbashi; they just located his parents and the child returned to his family.

A New Boy Has Joined the Orphanage

Recently we received a new boy from social affairs of Commune Kamalondo. He is an 8 year-old by name of Lievien.

Medical Update

During this quarter, we found out that Rumej has a medical condition that will require surgical repair.

Willy was hospitalized for few days.

Makobe was baptized.

Mukey, Rumej, and Willy are Boy Scouts.

Local Support

From local assistance, we received food, toiletries, and clothing.

Thank You From the Directors

Thank you so much for all your prayers and financial support for the children during all these years. May our Lord bless you.

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3 thoughts on “News from Jamaa Letu”

  1. We have been sponsors of four children at Jamaa Letu but have not received any information this year regarding them and where to send the money. Also did not receive Jamaa Letu labels for using at church.

  2. Sorry to hear about Esperance’s pregnancy but happy to hear that responsibility is being taken. We have been one of her sponsors for over 12 years and pray that she continues her education… with much love.

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