Educational Scholarships

Commitment to the children of the Jamaa Letu Orphanages does not end when they complete the equivalent of our high school. As the young men and women graduate from the equivalent of our high school they must also leave the protection of Jamaa Letu. Our latest effort has been developing college scholarships to help support these young adults as they transition from life at Jamaa Letu and enter the community as adults, hopefully moving forward with upper level education and training. These young people have no other way to pay for ongoing education or trade school tuition as they move towards independence. You are invited to make an annual commitment of $500 or more towards an college scholarship though any size gift is welcome. The total annual support of an college scholarship is about $4000. Your pledge may be paid at one time or in installments.
Click here to download our brochure and learn more about College Scholarships.
Click here for a half sheet information handout.
Click here for a business card with contact information.
Click here to find out how one of Jamaa Letu’s college graduates is already making a difference at Jamaa Letu and her community.
Watch the video above to learn more about becoming a college scholarship sponsor.

Hope for the Children of Africa Task Force and Ministry of the Pacific NW Conference of the United Methodist Church