By Rik Jamieson | Assistant PNW Conference Treasurer

Wait, what?… Let’s take a moment and talk about how the church budget is for you, not from you. Too many times we see churches plan to use and talk about their resources as if they are in survival mode. It’s an extension of the scarcity myth which leaves us blind to the potential resources that often surround us. Here’s what we encourage you to do as you present the local church budget:

  1. Present the budget as a “cash strategy” to use the gifts you receive to make disciples for the transformation of the world. “Money follows mission” is a phrase often heard in this light. So, take more time to explain what your church is doing in mission as a strategy to make disciples, not what it’s doing to keep the doors open. Learn to present the budget in a narrative format using charts, stories and pictures  along with the numbers…and celebrate the plan and successes!
  1. Giving is a reflection of our spiritual maturity, discipleship, and stewardship. Explain that the budget is for you, not from you. It is for you to provide a means to participate in the mission of the church, for you to develop as a disciple, and for you to practice true stewardship by living the understanding that everything we have belongs to God.  Stewardship and discipleship entail giving with priority and proportionately with what has been given to us by our creator.

If you have questions about any of this, please don’t hesitate to call or email us in the Treasurer’s office.

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