Laity Immersion: Rebuild needs money, time, work and volunteers

Participants in the November Pacific Northwest laity immersion trip to visit Okanogan County drive through a metal scrap yard/pile to show how much damaged...

Volunteer teams needed for Carlton Complex rebuild

Kevin Froese, on deck at left, of Mennonite Disaster Service, speaks during the Aug. 23 dedication of the first of 11 houses to be...

UMCOR Kit-Packing Palooza at UPS!

UMCOR Kit-Packing Palooza at UPS! By Skylar Bihl | Photos by Skylar Bihl and Katie Aosved The University Methodist Campus Ministry Club (fondly called UMeth) hosted...

Can your church help? Rebuild projects enter fall, need assist for winter.

By Rosalee Mohney | Photos by Andy O’Donnell The Rebuild: Up from the Ashes Project is moving forward with six houses under construction right now. The...

One Great Hour of Sharing!

In 2014, young people from around the world attended the Global Young People’s Convocation and Legislative Assembly -- just as Typhoon Glenda reached the...

Partnering Together to Rebuild & Restore Okanogan County (VIDEO)

About 40 representatives from faith-based and non-governmental organizations met at the Pateros Fire Station in February 2015. They discussed individual casework/projects, committing financial and...

Shower trailers will help VIM teams in the Greater Northwest

By Jim Truitt | Photos by members of PNW UMVIM, Early Response Teams, et. al. Finding lodging for Early Response Teams (ERT) and Volunteers in...

What Can I Do?

By Jim Truitt | Image by Jesse N. Love The world has suffered many natural disasters over the last two years from typhoons in the Philippines,...

Where to send kits, disaster response training events

UMCOR Relief Kits: A Message for PNW Churches By Jim Truitt Please be advised: Currently, no one in the PNW Conference is responsible for collecting UMCOR Kits...

Bremerton UMC to receive and transport relief kit materials to UMCOR Depot West

Submitted by Michelle Abad Bremerton United Methodist Church’s UMCOR Relief Kit Storeroom is ready for business! The church will collect items throughout the year for school...