Western Jurisdiction News

Coverage of General Conference 2012 particularly relevant to United Methodists in the Western Jurisdiction and/or provided by UMNS or the WJ media pool.

If It’s to Be, It’s Up to Me

I’m Amory Peck, from Bellingham, Washington, in the United States.  By the grace of God, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. It happened four...

What to Expect from the Western Jurisdictional Conference – #WJUMC

By Patrick Scriven, Director of Communications and Young People's Ministries When the Western Jurisdiction gathers next week it will be the final in a series...

We are Ready for Lyda!

By the Rev. Lyda Pierce, Candidate for Bishop I deeply appreciate the love and affirmation that people have shared since my nomination this weekend as a...

UMNS: Same-sex clergy couple marries in Seattle

The Rev. Joanne Carlson Brown (left), Thistle the Wonder Westie and the Rev. Christie Lagergren Brown. Photo courtesy of the Browns. By Heather Hahn* “I won’t...

Where we are going: What’s next for the #UMC as we await the Judicial...

A recap of a busy week filled with news about the Judicial Council as they consider a challenge to the election of The United Methodist Church's first out lesbian bishop, updates from the Commission on a Way Forward, and Council of Bishops on General Conference 2019.

Pacific Island Methodists of the Northwest meet in Seattle

Pacific Islander leadership met at First Tongan UMC with support from the district, Conference, and greater UMC. Small groups focused on identity, empowerment, and...

Relief for those fleeing Washington fires

By Linda Bloom | Aug. 26, 2015 | NEW YORK (UMNS) Last summer, a wildfire scorched the back of Pateros Community United Methodist Church in Washington State and...

Council Executive Committee Affirms Unity, Moves Forward

Nashville, Tenn.: Meeting in Chicago last week, the Council of Bishops' Executive Committee approved a framework for implementing the Commission on a Way Forward...

Just Resolution Achieved in Complaint Process

Denver, Colorado: Bishop Elaine JW Stanovsky, President of the Western Jurisdiction College of Bishops, announced that a just resolution has been reached regarding a...

1000 Children

By Rev. Dr. Dottie Escobedo-Frank It didn’t look like anything out of the ordinary for the border town of Nogales. My hometown is used to...