GC2016 rejects divestment on fossil fuels

By Sam Hodges May 20, 2016 | PORTLAND, Ore. (UMNS) After prolonged, impassioned debate, General Conference 2016 chose not to add a fossil fuels investment screen...

PNW Delegation takes on fossil fuel investment #GC2016

Updated to correct vote count on Minority Report By Pam Brokaw May 20, 2016 | Portland, Oregon While United Methodists seeking divestment from fossil fuels mounted a...

Council of Bishops to call for 2019 General Conference

St. Simons Island, Ga.: Through an affirmative vote at their fall meeting this week, the United Methodist Council of Bishops expressed their intent to...

#UMCGC Reflection: Who gets to belong?

By Rev. Richenda Fairhurst May 17, 2016 | Portland, Oregon If anyone ever belonged at the Oregon Convention Center, it is me. I have had the opportunity of...

Sugar Packets

Short intro by Rev. Mary K. (Sellon) Huycke Why can’t the United Methodist Church come to a common agreement about human sexuality? I’ve heard lots of...

An Open Letter to Rev. Tom Lambrecht, member of the Commission on a Way...

On Friday, UMC Commission on a Way Forward member Rev. Tom Lambrecht sent a message to email subscribers of Good News Magazine lamenting decisions made by Bishop Elaine Stanovsky in the Greater Northwest Area. In this open letter, Bishop Elaine uses the practices embraced by the Commission in its work, to offer a thoughtful, prayerful, response.

Council of Bishops follows tradition with letter to the church

Washington, D.C.: Reviving a tradition that is more than a century old, the United Methodist Council of Bishops sent this letter today to the...

Delegates, supporters stand with LGBTQ people

By Kathy L. Gilbert and Sam Hodges May 14, 2016│PORTLAND, Ore. (UMNS) As lay delegate Fred Brewington rose to address the United Methodist General Conference on...

Promised Land: Will We Step into it Faithfully?

By Rev. Dr. William D. Gibson May 19, 2016 | Portland, Oregon Being at the 2016 General Conference has been an emotionally exhausting experience. Because of the...

15 United Methodist clergy, candidates come out as gay

By Kathy L. Gilbert May 2, 2016 | UMNS Fifteen United Methodist clergy and clergy candidates took a leap of faith together and came out as...