Rev. Linda Weistaner to Dayton United Methodist Church
Bishop Grant Hagiya is pleased to announce the appointment, effective July 1, 2015, of the Rev. Linda Weistaner, currently serving Grace United Methodist Church, Walla...
Seven Ministry Convictions, part 4
By Rev. Dale Cockrum | Inland District Superintendent
In the last several Inland Steeples (part 1, part 2, part 3), I've been sharing a conversation I had...
Rev. Kenneth Hagler as Pastor of Bonners Ferry UMC
Bishop Elaine J.W. Stanovsky intends to appoint the Rev. Kenneth Hagler as Pastor of Bonners Ferry United Methodist Church in Bonners Ferry, Idaho beginning July 1,...
Brent Dehlbom to Sandpoint (Idaho) UMC
Bishop Grant Hagiya announces his intent to appoint Brent Dehlbom to Sandpoint United Methodist Church, Sandpoint, Idaho, half time, effective July 1, 2016, in...
Rev. Amy Seymour as Pastor of Rockford Community UMC
Bishop Elaine J.W. Stanovsky intends to appoint the Rev. Amy Seymour as Pastor of Rockford Community United Methodist Church in Rockford, Washington beginning September...
Rev. Katy Shedlock to start a new faith community out of Audubon Park UMC
Bishop Elaine J.W. Stanovsky intends to appoint the Rev. Katy Shedlock to start a new faith community out of Audubon Park United Methodist Church...
Rev. Ed Hamshar to St. John and Colfax United Methodist Churches
Bishop Grant Hagiya announces his intention to appoint the Rev. Ed Hamshar as the pastor of St. John United Methodist Church and Colfax United Methodist Church, effective July 1,...
Come to Lazy Daze!
Come to Lazy Daze!
By Rosalee Mohney with Jesse N. Love
Lazy Daze, an annual retreat experience for older adults, will be on September 13-15,...
PNW Laity: Our immersion experience in Okanogan County
Laity from the PNW Conference gather and pray at Pateros Community UMC before they fellowship with other partners supporting the rebuild of Okanogan County.
VIDEO: PNW Laity, Okanogan County Immersion
On July 8-9, 2016 laity from The Pacific Northwest Conference participated in a special immersion trip to the Okanogan area in Central Washington.
Rosalee Mohney,...