Let’s Eat! St. John UMC Considers Sustainable Food Choices
Did you know that it was possible to make food choices that positively impact the planet? Last week, St. John UMC considered this question and others in an attempt to understand sustainable food issues.
Anatomy of a PNW United Methodist Disaster Response
After a rare tornado struck near Port Orchard just before Christmas, community members were eager to help but in need of assistance with management and assessment.
Cindy Haverkamp shares how the Pacific Northwest United Methodist Church's Early Response Team stepped in to help to coordinate and assist with recovery efforts.
The Climate Vigil at General Conference
By Jesse Love
May 13, 2016 | PORTLAND, Ore.
The General Conference Climate Vigil sent a powerful message to delegates and guests: now is the time for...
Commentary: Banking on Standing Rock
By Rev. Richenda Fairhurst | Pastor, Camas United Methodist Church
On November 14th, the Army Corps of Engineers announced it would not grant an easement...
EarthKeepers Network to Care for Creation
Global Ministries EarthKeepers training is designed to equip, inspire and network United Methodists seeking to develop or deepen environmental initiatives in their communities. For the first time a EarthKeepers training is being held this week in the Western Jurisdiction with five participants from the PNW in attendance.
Engaging the Climate Crisis: a training for times like these
By Rev. Richenda Fairhurst
When you look out the window in a standard American neighborhood, things look pretty good. Get in the car or take...
Want to Stop Oil Trains? We Have Work to Do!
By Rev. Richenda Fairhurst | Camas United Methodist Church
I am still celebrating today! Last week, more than 1000 people participated in a hearing on the...
Church members join climate change march
By Linda Bloom | Sept. 22, 2014 | NEW YORK (UMNS)
Gabriel, who is “almost 5,” was trying to stand patiently with his father, Tim Emmett-Rardin, a...
Dakota Access Pipeline Urgent Action Alert
Many United Methodists, including the Western Jurisdiction Bishops, the General Board of Church and Society, United Methodist Women, the General Board of Global Ministries, and...
For the Love of God’s Creation
Science article-inspired haiku and watercolor from a series by Seattle oceanographer Gregory Johnson.
For the Love of God’s Creation
By the Rev. Jenny Phillips | Illustration by Gregory...