PNW Clergy Member celebrated as he turns 100
Puyallup United Methodist Church is honoring retired clergy member Rev. Tom Slate on the occasion of his 100th birthday, at noon on Saturday, August 4th. Clergy and laity who remember Tom are invited to join in the celebration or to send him a note of appreciation and congratulations.
Becoming God’s Shalom: A Justice Journey
By the Rev. Kay C. Barckley | Photo by Faith Action Network
“…in peace and justice Christ brings Shalom. So when we’re living the ways of...
While answering a call…can you GO HOME AGAIN?
By Bailey Brawner, Elizabeth Hurd, and Maggie Ward
Bailey Brawner, Elizabeth Hurd, and Maggie Ward are all M.Div students at Boston University School of Theology....
BOM announces web-based Clergy Wellness Workshops
The Formation committee of the PNW Board of Ordained Ministry is excited to announce a series of optional web-based clergy wellness workshops. The first workshop, 'Achieving a Healthy Body in an Unhealthy World' with Rev. Brad Beeman, will launch in January.
Embracing a Season of Fruitfulness at the Summit
Attendees of the quadrennial Leadership Summit close worship in prayer before beginning workshops. This year, the summit was held at Vancouver: First UMC.
The Leadership...
Spiritual Direction as Spiritual Practice
"We spoke for over an hour and in that time she asked me what spiritual direction meant to me. That’s when I said these words: “spiritual direction is a spiritual practice.”"
In a post for the Clergy Wellness Corner, the Rev. Lara Bolger shares her experiences with spiritual direction and encourages colleagues to consider it as a spiritual practice of their own.
Clergy Wellness Corner: Saying Yes
"I know that I am not alone in my difficulty with saying no. There are a lot of clergy who suffer from the same ailment."
Sue Magrath reflects on the needed discipline of saying "no" and makes a case for exploring the hidden, unnamed, motivations of our "Yeses."
Burnout, Part Three
For the final installment of a 3-part series on burnout, Rev. Lisa Talbott offers four key strategies that have helped her to recover from a ministry "stall." While acknowledging that recovery can be a slow process, she argues that "burnout doe not get the last word."
Clergy Wellness Corner: “Focus” on the Holy
Rev. David Tinney | Senior Pastor, Vancouver First UMC
I really think photography ought to be added to the list of spiritual disciplines. As we...
Be Like Water: Lessons from a church planter
"What Dennis uncovered was that within every community, people are looking for leadership and for answers." Rev. Shalom Agtarap recently spent some time with Rev. Dennis Paschke, gleaning some insights gained from his work leading Orting UMC outward toward its community.