Tidal Waves

"What do we do when anything we can do seems like sticking our finger into in the dike in an attempt to fend off a tidal wave?", asks Sue Magrath reflecting on the surge in victims/survivors of sexual assault who are sharing their stories, some for the first time. She shares that clergy should prepare themselves to be present to listen to those who have been harmed, to advocate so that they are heard, and to fight for sweeping societal change for a better tomorrow.

Recognizing local church achievements, extraordinary service by members at #pnwac16

Recognizing local church achievements, extraordinary service by members at #pnwac16 By Teri Tobey with Jesse N. Love Puyallup, Wash. - The PNWAC 2016 Awards Banquet honored...

Lewis Center for Church Leadership and Wesley Theological Seminary Offer Free Clergy Personal Finance...

WASHINGTON, DC – The Lewis Center for Church Leadership and Wesley Theological Seminary have gathered free resources to help pastors better understand and manage...

PNW Board of Ordained Ministry releases statement on ministry candidates, sexual orientation, and gender...

By Patrick Scriven May 6, 2016  SEATTLE, Wash. When it met yesterday at Ronald United Methodist Church just north of Seattle, the Pacific Northwest Conference Board...

A reflection on exclusion and language by Paul Jeffrey

By the Rev. Paul Jeffrey Some ten million people in the world today are stateless. They aren’t recognized as citizens of any nation. Without legal...

This year’s Bishop’s Symposium is No Joke: A Rabbi, an Imam, a Pastor and Brian...

This year’s Bishop’s Symposium will focus on the need to develop our capacity for intercultural communication as we experience the possibilities of interfaith relationships. And there are three options for clergy and laity to participate.

Asking for Help

"I’m not going to say everything went perfectly. I’m not going to say it was easy. But about two years ago I asked my District Superintendent for help with my anxiety disorder, and I’m glad I did." Rev. Austin Adkinson, pastor at Haller Lake UMC in Seattle, shares his story of asking for and receiving help as a means of encouraging clergy colleagues in need to do the same.

2019 Clergy Age Report Shows Dramatic Decline in Number of Young Elders

WASHINGTON, DC –There has been a dramatic decline in the number of young elders this past year, according to the Clergy Age Trends in the...

PNW Clergy Member celebrated as he turns 100

Puyallup United Methodist Church is honoring retired clergy member Rev. Tom Slate on the occasion of his 100th birthday, at noon on Saturday, August 4th. Clergy and laity who remember Tom are invited to join in the celebration or to send him a note of appreciation and congratulations.

Multiplying Ministries Pilot Program Launches

The Revs. William Gibson, Brad Beeman, Bishop Elaine Stanovsky, the Revs. DJ del Rosario and Molly Fraser were some of the clergy in attendance for...