Musings: The 4 Stages of God’s Calling (for me, at least!)

Poet Tiffanie Shanks of Ohio visits The Pacific Northwest to draw inspiration for a project. Musings & Younger Perspectives: The 4 Stages of God’s Calling (for...

Musings: To Abide in the Vine and Be Fruitful

The Rev. Shalom Agtarap packs up her stuff as she prepares to begin her new appointment as associate pastor of Seattle: Blaine UMC. Musings & Younger...

Restoring the Sacred Circle in Moscow and Lapwai

Representatives from Moscow First United Methodist Church enjoy a fellowship lunch at Lapwai UMC. This meeting served to express a true act of repentance...

5ive Signs of Success in the Fight Against Malaria

Photo by Mike Dubose. 5ive Signs of Success in the Fight Against Malaria By Julia Frisbie 1. Death Rates Cut in Half When the United Methodist Church started...

Nurturing Elders: Older Adults lead the way in recycling!

By The Rev. Elmer Bigham | Photos by Pastor Scott Klepach, Jr. Elmer Bigham is the driving force behind a very significant community ministry of...

Lenten stories of “Pain and Hope” recognize diversity within

Dr. Jamal Gabobe (second from left) enjoys the soup supper before his presentation about Somalia and his life as a Somali immigrant to the...

People of Faith Care for Our Common Home!

  By The Rev. Ron Hines | Photos by John Hill, Jesse N. Love, and Jenny Phillips In their many Ways, people of faith across the...

“Yes, I am called, but how, and to what?”

By Sophia K.R. Agtarap This notion of being called is not a new one. Scripture is peppered with stories of our foreparents in faith being called...

Clarkston UMC: The Pumpkin Patch Gospel

For more photos from the pumpkin harvest, click here. The Pumpkin Patch Gospel By Patrick Scriven with the Rev. Shane Moore and Terri Entze “The love of...

Assembly: I am proud to be a United Methodist Woman!

Assembly: I am proud to be a United Methodist Woman! By Janjay Innis | Bread photo by Wikipedia Have you ever sat down in expectation of...