2017 Conference offers two ways to help UMCOR


By Ronda Cordill

Way 1. Bringing Kits to Annual Conference

Beginning on Wednesday, June 14 there will be a donation station in front of the Red Lion on the River to receive UMCOR various types of relief kits. The focus is on health and school kits, flood buckets, and items that go into the kits. Click here to view a list of items needed and instructions here.

Steve Matthews, volunteer driver, will be there with a pickup truck and will deliver the kits and items to the West Depot in Salt Lake City. Contact Ronda Cordill, for information at rdcordill@gmail.com or 509-993-6753.

It is our hope that every church in the PNW will donate at least one kit or make a financial contribution toward a kit. Please let your churches know about this opportunity.

Way 2. Building Kits at Annual Conference

On Saturday morning, June 17, as part of the Ministry Alive! Workshops we will be building health kits.  Participants will assemble kits and load them into a truck to send to the UMCOR depot.

Also, monetary donations will be gratefully accepted to off-set the cost of the kit supplies. Consider asking groups in your church to “sponsor” a number of health kits at approximately $13 each. Checks should be made payable to Conference Treasurer with UMCOR kits on the memo line.

Ronda Cordill serves as Co-Coordinator for United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) efforts for the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference. She also serves as UMVIM Coordinator for the Western Jurisdiction.


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