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Board of Laity

We are glad you clicked on this tab.  That tells us that you are interested in or at least curious about the life of the laity of the Pacific Northwest Conference.  Our hope is that the information posted here will provide you with something that helps to equip you for your ministry.  Whether or not you currently serve in a leadership role in your local church, we hope you will find something here that will provide sustenance.

laityThe Board of Laity is comprised of representatives from boards and agencies that encompass the life of the laity across the Pacific Northwest conference.  Our members include representatives from the United Methodist Women, United Methodist Men, Scouting Ministries, Conference Councils on Youth and Young Adults, Lay Servant Ministries, and our District Lay Leaders.  Together, we work to support, equip, and resource the laity across the conference.

Members of the Board recognize the vitally important role of the lay members in the life of the local church as we live into our mission of “making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world”.  We understand our fundamental task as that of being in service to the laity of the conference.

In the coming months, we will use this space to link you to the events and news from the Conference that are of particular interest to the laity.  We will also occasionally post some of the resources that we have found inspiring or helpful as a source of inspiration to you. Our hope is that you will return often.

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