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PNWAC 2024 Webinar Access Information

Participation in the 2024 regular session of Annual Conference will be both in-person and online. Remote members be using Zoom to participate and ALL members will use the VPOLL web-based platform for voting.

Remote participants will need two things: a fast-enough internet connection and the ability to vote in a web browser or device while keeping the Zoom application running. 

In-person participants will need to have a smart device with a web browser and access to cellular data. There will be limited internet access for members without a smart device at the church.

1. Fast Enough Internet

Your internet connection will need to be fast enough to use the video-teleconferencing app Zoom. If you’re able to watch YouTube or Netflix, or use video chat services such as FaceTime or Skype, then you should be able to use Zoom easily enough. To learn how fast a connection Zoom needs, click here.

2. Navigate and Use Two Apps Simultaneously

The Conference itself will be held over one app: Zoom. The voting will happen through a secure website in your browser (Safari, Chrome, Edge, etc.). You’ll need to be able to vote without leaving the Zoom meeting. Because we all have different capacities with using internet-connected devices, and how many devices we have, it’s worth spelling out your options.

  • On Two Devices

    For those with multiple connected devices, open Zoom on the larger device and voting on the smaller one for the best experience.
  • On a Desktop or Laptop Computer

    On your Windows or Mac computer, simply have two windows open at once: Zoom and your browser. Zoom does not have to be fullscreen, so you can easily switch between the two windows.
  • On a Tablet

    Using two apps simultaneously is a little trickier on tablets like the iPad. If you are using an iPad, you may either use side-by-side multitasking or simply navigate between apps one at a time. Don’t worry — Zoom will stay on in the background while you’re browsing.

  • On a Smartphone

    Android phones and iPhones should keep the Zoom meeting’s audio in the background when you switch to your browser to vote. Do this just like how you typically navigate between two apps.

If you have access to fast-enough internet and can confidently navigate between Zoom and your browser, you’re good to go. If you have questions or concerns after reviewing this, please note this in your registration or by contacting Patrick Scriven at