Imagine No Malaria brings hope, peace, joy, love to congregations with Advent resources


Nashville, Tennessee:  This Advent season, let Imagine No Malaria help you and your United Methodist congregation imagine a world filled with hope, peace, joy and love through a collection of downloadable materials that include sermon starters, hymn suggestions and children’s messages.  The five weeks of undated materials are centered on the themes of “Imagine Hope,” “Imagine Peace,” “Imagine Joy, “Imagine Love,” all highlighted by the African hymn “I’ve Got The Light Of God In Me,” from the country of Cameroon. Additional materials include litanies, prayers, and a short video that can be shared in small groups or with the congregation.

Church leaders may choose to use all of the resources or customize the materials to complement current programming. In addition to utilizing the resources, many churches collect special offerings during the Advent season for Imagine No Malaria. Imagine No Malaria has surpassed 92 percent of its $75 million goal, an achievement that has inspired churches across the country to dedicate Christmas Eve offerings to the initiative.

At St. John’s United Methodist Church in Anchorage, Alaska, for example, the members raised more than $23,000 during its Christmas Eve offering, which was dedicated 100 percent to the malaria fighting initiative.

Imagine No Malaria, an initiative of The United Methodist Church, is committed to ending death and suffering from malaria through prevention, communication, trained health workers and grassroots education. To date, Imagine No Malaria has raised 92 percent of its goal with more than $69 million in gifts and pledges. United Methodists across the world are working hard to reach and celebrate Imagine No Malaria’s $75 million goal.

Safe, secure and easy giving opportunities are available at or by mailing directly to Imagine No Malaria at P.O. Box 440544, Nashville, TN 37244-0544. Anyone can participate and join the fight to eliminate this disease through one-time gifts and pledges; many people have chosen recurring pledges of $28 per month over three years, an amount that will potentially save the lives of up to 100 children at risk for contracting this deadly disease.

Additionally, visitors to the website can get a glimpse at the lives being changed by Imagine No Malaria through video diaries, touching photos and news stories.

About Imagine No Malaria
Imagine No Malaria is an extraordinary ministry of the people of The United Methodist Church, putting faith into action to end preventable deaths from malaria in Africa, especially the death of a child or a mother. With a comprehensive approach to fighting this killer disease, Imagine No Malaria empowers the people of Africa to improve health infrastructure and achieve a sustainable victory over malaria.

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