Home Conversation


Articles by lay and clergy members of the Annual Conference representing the specific viewpoints of the author and not necessarily the position of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference.

At-One-Ment with the Children

By the Rev. Paul Graves | Photo courtesy of Fabrice Florin/Wikipedia, whitehouse.gov As it happened, I was sitting in front of the TV as the...

Church Vitality and the Triangle of Fire

By Pastor Scott W. Rosekrans For over 26 years I made a living as a lawyer with three stints as a prosecutor. I prosecuted a...

Wildfires: Hope is a bright pink wall

Learn how you can be an important part of the rebuild effort in areas affected by Washington wildfires: bit.ly/rebuild-up-from-the-ashes  Hope is a bright pink wall By...

Pacific Island Methodists of the Northwest meet in Seattle

Pacific Islander leadership met at First Tongan UMC with support from the district, Conference, and greater UMC. Small groups focused on identity, empowerment, and...

Global Mission Fellows meet Dr. Cornel West

Gretchen Brown, the Rev. Katie Ladd, Dr. Cornel West, Sarah Roemer and Janjay Innis gather after West’s visit to The Well at Queen Anne UMC....

A Lesson in Giving Up Control

If you don't know me yet, let me introduce myself. My name is Dana Lede, and I am a busy person.  I work on average...

Coke or Cola?

Photo Credit: "Pepsi or Coca-Cola" by Flickr User by Roadsidepictures, Creative Commons I had the pleasure of attending the 2008 General Conference in Fort Worth, TX as...

A Discipleship of Change

Street performer impersonating a statue near the Roman Forum. Photo by Patrick Scriven. By Patrick Scriven, Director of Communications and Ministries with Young People A few...

Christmas Institute PNW: Out of the Shadows, Into the Light

This year's Christmas Institute explored the 'shadows' of our spiritual lives while bringing others onto a path with Christ.  CI-PNW was on December 26-30,...

You are not alone at Seattle’s Wesley Club!

Several United Methodists and friends participated in the Womxn’s March in Seattle in January. The 3.6 mile trek began in Judkins Park, ending in...